Industrial Green Chemistry World

Profitability from Industrial Green Chemistry and Engineering

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Are you an Enviropreneur?

Entrepreneurship was the buzz word sometime back. But have you heard of ‘Enviropreneurship’? Environmental entrepreneurs are called Enviropreneurs. Environmentalists learning the concepts of business are into enviropreneurship who “bring market principles to resolve environmental problems.” This relatively new field encourages market-based solutions for environmental problems by educating environmentalists the principles of economics and the market. Enviropreneurship is an ideal model to help accelerate the implementation of Green Chemistry in everyday living.
Enviropreneurship is a new word for many. But for Newreka, it is the basis of their work and philosophy. Newreka helps create a system that encourages chemists and chemical engineers to develop into Enviropreneurs and deliver practices of Green Chemistry through powerful partnership with customers and all stakeholders in the chemical industry.
To elaborate the whole idea of Enviropreneurship, Mr. Nitesh Mehta from Newreka will present a paper at the 14th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference, which will be held at the The Capital Hilton, Washington, DC from June 21 to 23. Mr. Nitesh Mehta, who holds a masters degree in Chemical Engineering from IIT-B Mumbai, is an expert on Technology Implementation at the plant level. He will be presenting his thoughts and findings on the topic: “Green chemistry and engineering can offer a whole playground for entrepreneurs”.


A peep into the Indian Chemical World

Chemistry, though it seems like the stuff for geeks, is very much a part of our everyday lives. Chemistry is everywhere, whether it is the plastic furniture at home, or a synthetic garment in your closet, or a pill you pop… The words “Chemistry” and “life” are inextricably linked. No wonder then that the Indian chemical industry is one of the fastest growing sectors of the Indian economy.

The Indian Chemical industry, contributing around 6.7 per cent of the Indian GDP, is a vital part of the agricultural and industrial development in India and has major links with several other sub industries such as automotives, consumer durables, food processing, engineering etc. According to a KPMG study, “At $60 billion in 2010, the contribution of the chemical industry to India’s GDP would grow from the current level of 6.7 per cent to 7.1 per cent, while its contribution to the global industry would increase from 1.9 per cent to 2.3 per cent.”

But as with other scientific advancement, the chemical industry faces certain setbacks. Very often you hear of public outcries against the various problems caused by toxic wastes or obnoxious odours that are a result of drug or other chemical products’ manufacturing. The one way of countering such ill effects is the application of green chemistry and its allied principles. And if that is achieved, the future of chemical industry is secured.

With adequate efforts and the development of supporting structures, the Indian chemical industry is envisaged to grow and position India on the global map as a supplier of specialty and knowledge chemicals. It it also set to be a hot destination for investment in these sectors, thereby strengthening the Indian economy. Highly developed technology, in-depth research capabilities, backward and forward linkages and the development of domestic capacity to decrease the dependence on imports are some of the crucial factors that need to be taken into consideration. Nowadays, safety, health and environment protection issues have become the major-talking points in almost all industries and the Indian chemical industry is no exception. Indian chemical manufacturers have to address these issues on a war-footing. We shall be checking out the level of E-factor of the Indian Chemical manufacturers the next time and only then can we can say if the country’s oldest industry is going the environmental-friendly way or not…